Are Women and Men Equally Treated in your Culture?
Are Women and Men Equally Treated in your Culture ? No, women in my society or country are not treated equally. My society is very traditional and conservative because of various reasons. Women have been treated as inferior to men for a long time. Since the origin of Hindu society, casteism and gender discrimination had been a common practice among educated, affluent and common people alike. Even in educated class, only boys are given privileges and treated as superior in all aspects. Women are considered physically & psychologically weaker and dependent on male. Women are disadvantaged at home, office, society and nation as whole. Despite the girls'interest to continue their higher studies, their family persuades them to get married and settle their lives. However, with their limited education & lack of advantages they are striving to maintain their lives. They had to overcome various obstacles while getting a job and their education. Besides, they aren't pai...